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la principessa C´sir e il mistero della Cassa Nuziale
Shardana - Enzo Marciante, Carlo Delfino editore & C. (2009)

Un capitolo di storia della Sardegna raccontato a fumetti da un famoso illustratore: una lettura agile e divertente per bambini e per adulti.

Author/s Enzo Marciante
Illustrator/s Enzo Marciante
Publisher Carlo Delfino editore & C.
Edition Sassari, June 2009
Pages 80 (illustrated)
Genre Children
Format Paper 
Price € 18,00
Release language Italian

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The work

A wonderful island in the middle of the West Mediterranean, a Princess to whom the trousseau box is stolen... it is the beginning of a dream-adventure in the authentic Shardana World, a jump in three thousand years ago, the rediscovery of a splendid forgotten Civilization. A chance to meet Ulysses at the end of his wandering, above all to rediscover and give back dignity to the real Mare Nostrum and to the great People that was lord of it in ancient time, in the most ancient time as ever!

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