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Servitzios Bibliograficos Sardos

Servitzios Bibliograficos Sardos
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an outsider´s inside view
Hezbollah - Brenda Heard, Arkadia editore (2015)

Cosa è realmente Hezbollah? Considerato un gruppo terroristico da certi Paesi, in questo libro prevale la tesi che sia l´ultimo bastione contro i diavoli sanguinari dell´Isis e quella politica che tende solo a far prevalere i propri interessi economici. Il libro è in inglese.

Autore/es Brenda Heard
Editore Arkadia editore
Editzione Cagliari, Ghennàrgiu 2015
Pàginas 416
Collana Limes, n° 8
Genia Sagìstica
Suportu Pabìru 
Prèsu € 16,00
Limba de publicatzione Inglesu

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Hezbollah: An Outsider´s Inside View is the answer to the question that has been asked for years by the concerned Westerner: who are those people over there and do we really need to be scared of them? Based on an increasingly inside view of Hezbollah, this book is an opportunity for the Western reader to see for himself what this headline-grabbing groupis all about. Against a backdrop of records documenting the context from which Hezbollah has developed, you are invited to meet the administrators and the sheiks, the leaders and the fighters, the individuals and the families who are Hezbollah. Written from a Western perspective, this inside view of the Islamic Resistance of Lebanon offers the opportunity to explore the militants at the horizon.

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Servitzios Bibliograficos Sardos