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19th Biennal of Sardinian Handicrafts
Domo - Giuliana Altea, Enzo Mari, Francesca Picchi, Ilisso (2009)

Author/s Giuliana Altea
Enzo Mari
Francesca Picchi
Illustrator/s Pietro Paolo Pinna
et al.
Publisher Ilisso
Edition Nuoro, June 2009
Pages 300 (illustrated)
Series Varie
Genre Catalogues
Format Paper 
Price € 150,00
Presentation Sebastiano Sannitu
Release language English

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The work

The book, useful tool for reading and consultation, is both a book-object of great attraction. The wealth of illustrative apparatus - with color pictures in large format and fine-tuned grafic design - makes a product with a precise characterization and high aesthetic quality, like handcrafted objects which documents. The original cover shaped in the form of house, the unusual thickness (made possible by the use of a light and voluminous paper) give it the appearance of a geometric solid, a miniature construction. The book includes biographies of craftsmen and designers involved in the project, photographs of artifacts made, drawings and project studies, critical-historical texts written by leading experts in design and craftsmanship, like Enzo Mari, Giuliana Altea and Francesca Picchi. (Available also in Italian)

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  The work